Line & Base Aircraft Maintenance
Engines & APU maintenance and repair
Engine Condition Monitoring
Repair of components and systems
Logistic support and logistics
Aircraft engineering support & FAR 21J
Manufacturing of aircraft components (Production organization, FAR PART-21 Subpart G)
Aircraft painting
Aviation Training Center
Metrological Support
Metrological Support
S7 Technics qualified experts are well experienced in prompt and high-quality instrument calibration.
Our Metrological Service is accredited by the Rusaccreditation to provide instrument calibration services. At the end of 2023, the Metrological Service underwent the competence validation procedure. Resolution on Competence Validation Procedure by Order No. ПК1РА-46 of the Federal Accreditation Service dated 18 January 2024.
The Metrological Service has the right to apply the international ILAC mark to the issued calibration certificates. The ILAC mark located on the calibration certificate gives this document weight abroad, since it directly indicates that it was issued by an organization whose accreditation has international recognition.
Keep links to the following documents:
The scope of accreditation for calibration of measuring instruments confirmed.
The scope of accreditation for calibration of measuring instruments expandable.
— Extract from the Register of the RF Federal Accreditation Service
— Accreditation Scope: Calibration Validated
— Accreditation Scope: Calibration Extended
More information about services
Contact details metrology.eng@s7.ru
Tel.: +7 (495) 777 0843 ext. 23-375.
For quotation and delivery of instruments, please contact: services.sales@s7.ru. First please fill out the questionnaire.
We serve 9 types of aircraft